Slide SuperDash ecommerce analytics tool Web application for CRM and e-Commerce Analysis
ecommerce platform

Unify your CRM & e-Commerce Analysis

  • Value and Volume Sales Analysis
  • Items and Categories Sales
  • Demographics Breakdown
  • RFM Segmentation
  • Cohort Analysis
  • Life Time Value
  • Market Basket Analysis
  • Google Analytics

All In One Place

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This is a demo of the SuperDash application where some of the features are disabled. In case the app stop reloading, please refresh the page...

  • Value and volume sales by time-series
  • Sales breakdown by month, year, day of the week, and hour of the day
  • Visualize top category and item sales
  • Sales of items by category
  • Sales by shopper demographics (gender, age group, area of residence)
  • Top items and category sales by demographics

RFM Analysis:

  • Segment customers by their recency, frequency of purchase and monetary values. Create segment profiles such as “Champions”, “Can’t lose them” and devise strategies to directly communicate with customers

Life-time analysis:

  • Predict the tenure of customers and the long term ROI

Market Basket Analysis:

  •  Identify a relationship between items that generally people buy together

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